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Fintech is the future of finance. But, with that comes unique challenges when trying to find top talent, especially given how much competition there is in this space.

Trying to find the right talent is one of the most important tasks for any company, but it is especially difficult given that fintech is a relatively new field. Even though fintech is still in its early stages, it has already redefined every major industry. What challenges is the industry facing?

Gender diversity remains low

As a fast-growing, high-growth industry, fintech is expected to transform the global ecosystem, especially the financial sector. The industry currently has a shortage of qualified candidates who possess the right skills and experience to help it continue growing.

According to statistics from recruitment platform, this lack of diversity is even greater among the top teams at fintech firms with major yearly revenue. There are fewer females than males in these companies, which also have fewer female leaders.

The gender gap is one of the most pressing problems in the financial sector. While many women want to work for fintech companies, far too few are able to get hired.

Drawing from a diminishing tech talent pool

Despite this shortcoming, fintech still has made some progress. The industry has managed to draw on resources from other industries like IT and marketing, which are currently facing similar issues.

One example is how machine learning can play a role in hiring. Fintech firms are currently looking at ways to use this when hiring new employees. This method involves using computer algorithms in order to sift through candidates’ profiles and test their skills, in order to select the most suitable candidates for the job.

With this technology, it is possible for fintech companies to hire the right people faster than before, particularly the right candidates with the right experience. It is up to them to look for them among the existing pool of candidates available.

How can fintechs hire top talent?

Hiring top talent is a challenge that fintech firms must overcome. The industry is still in its early stages, and growth will need to continue as they become more influential in the global financial sector. We’ll discuss three main areas you can optimize in your fintech business to attract the best talent.

Hiring process

Fintech companies and employees would benefit from looking for ways to improve their hiring process. This can be done by trying out new technology and drawing from the knowledge of other industries.

Human resource executives at banks and other financial institutions are grasping for ways to lure their best talent as the sector goes through a high-profile makeover. But as firms race to implement fintech innovations like robo-advisors, blockchain, and machine learning, they may be overlooking important changes in recruiting.

In the fintech sector as a whole, employers are competing for talent from a growing population of graduates who have been trained in data science and computer programming. It’s a supply-and-demand situation that analysts say has created a “gold rush” for candidates.

The right kind of training

The employees who are well trained at your fintech company will do fantastic work, love coming into the office every day, and be the envy of competitors.

Most people consider training to be something that is done when someone just starts at a new job, and then it ends. However, the truth is that training should be ongoing at your fintech company. The best companies never stop learning and growing, and they bring in new technologies and strategies constantly.

When you make training a continuous process, not only will your employees come to appreciate it and be more engaged. But it also helps you to stay relevant and up to date with innovation in the world of finance.

There are many ways that you can use training at your fintech business to attract top talent. Employees want interesting work projects and they also want access to the greatest training resources available in order to do great work for your company. To attract the best candidates, you need to have several training opportunities available for them to participate in. This includes both computer-based training, online training courses, and in-person training programs.

Competitive salary

We all know that tech talent is scarce and expensive. More than ever, tech companies are relying on top engineering and tech talent to provide a competitive edge in a crowded market. However, most recruiting professionals agree that offering a competitive salary is a highly effective way of attracting the best and brightest.

Competitive salaries can be defined in different ways. Factors such as location, experience level, and the employee’s past salary history all affect how competitive your salary offer will be. For some companies, a competitive salary is defined as the highest amount paid by fellow tech companies in a specific area. For other businesses, it can be tied to the median income numbers for a given city or the middle point between the highest and lowest offers from other companies.

You can attract top tech talent by being transparent with salaries from the start. Many startups make the mistake of keeping salaries confidential which can put workers off from applying for open roles. If you want top talent, you’ll have to pay for it. If you are not able to offer the highest salary in your area, then consider offering benefits that help you remain competitive with similar companies.

By Carl Poxon of Caspianone Fintech.

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